Collection in partnered municipalities

The main separate waste collection methods chosen by the members of the RICREA Consortium are as follows.

Single material

Collection of metal packaging waste only (steel and aluminium).
This is carried out by means of a door-to-door system (mainly with small bins), kerbside collection (with large bins or dumpsters), or specific containers in recycling centers.

Light multi-material

Collection of plastic, steel and aluminium packaging waste.
In this case as well, collection takes place by means of a door-to-door system (with shared bag for blocks of flats) or kerbside collection (large bins).


Collection of glass, plastic, steel and aluminium packaging waste.
Collection can take place by means of a door-to-door system (with shared bag for blocks of flats) or kerbside collection (large bins).

Heavy multi-material

Collection of glass, steel and aluminium packaging waste. This is performed by means of a door-to-door system or kerbside collection (large waste bins).
If the type of collection is mono-material (i.e. only metal packaging), the material is transferred directly to the Operator who carries out the recycling. In the case of multi-material collection, the Partnered Municipality must necessarily provide a process for the separation of the various materials, using a specific system and considering the costs associated with this activity.
However, the magnetic characteristics of steel greatly facilitate the separation process, simply requiring the passage through an iron removal belt.