The Consortium’s success in reaching and exceeding the targets for the recycling of steel packaging materials set by European regulations is also due to the many information and awareness-raising activities promoted among users, and among end-users in particular, the nation’s citizens.
Since it was established, in application of the statutory provisions, RICREA has carried out national and local information campaigns, events and initiatives aimed at both citizens and a public of professionals (B2B), in coordination with the CONAI (supply chain consortia for the recycling of packaging materials) system and creating synergies and agreements with both public (municipalities) and private (associations) entities.
Among the campaigns, worthy of mention are the award-winning Capitan Acciaio [Captain Steel], the road show in the squares of Italian cities, Cuore Mediterraneo [Mediterranean Heart], held in the summer, and Trenoverde [Green Train], in collaboration with Ferrovie dello Stato and Legambiente, and finally Lezioni di Etichetta [Labelling Lessons], the cross-media campaign on RAI [Italian state TV] channels.
Among the local/regional initiatives, the most worthy of mention include “Sfida d’Acciaio” [Steel Challenge] in Bari, “Giocampus” [Play Campus] in Parma, “Cestini in cerca d’autore” [Waste baskets in search of an author] in Milan, “Rifiuti, la storia continua” [Waste, the story continues] in Tuscany, “Vogliamo rifarci una vita” [We want to a new life] in Genoa.
In the B2B sphere, RICREA addresses the world of steel producers, users and institutions involved in the challenges of sustainable development in the two major trade fairs of the sector, Made in Steel and Ecomondo.
There are truly many events being held in different sectors, such as music, theatre, cinema, sport, food and wine, science… Some of them work with foundations and institutions of great prestige, such as the Veronesi Foundation and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, or famous personalities from the world of culture, such as Emanuele Luzzati (set designer and illustrator), Mimmo Calopresti (director, actor and screenwriter) and the maestro Ezio Bosso, musician and composer; or artists popular among the younger generations, such as Jovanotti and Firenze Rocks.
The educational initiatives that RICREA promotes in schools (primary, middle and high school) also have a large impact. Creativity, technology, good educational kits, involvement of information specialists, use of social media and devices popular among digital natives make this type of communication activity a great driving force for spreading the good practices of separate waste collection and of recycling steel packaging among households, by raising awareness and informing the new generations.
For further information on the edu activities currently in progress – AmbarabàRICICLOclò®, RiciClick®, Yes I can and Capitan Acciaio – please visit to the RicreaEdu website.
The Consortium’s communication activities also include participation in television and radio programmes and the publication of news in the press, on websites and on social media, springing from intense press office and external relations activities. The result of this work is collected in the monthly reviews, which can be consulted on this website in the “Media” section.
Lastly, the RICREA newsletter deserves to be mentioned, as it provides real-time information on all the consortium’s activities, above all those of an institutional nature. To subscribe, access the home page and click on “Newsletter”.
For the press: please check the photo gallery, where downloadable images are available for editorial use.