RICREA EDU brings together all the activities of the Consortium aimed at spreading citizens’ knowledge of steel packaging and its eco-sustainability characteristics. They are communication projects and initiatives that appeal to both adults and the new generations.
From the beginning, the Consortium has focused its work on the new generations, with the awareness that young people are the perfect medium through which to reach families, change their waste collection habits and establish new virtuous behaviours.
In twenty years of educational projects, RICREA has involved and raised awareness in over 60,000 Italian households, informing them of the importance of separate waste collection and of the recycling of steel packaging.
ACCIAIO AMICO [Friendly steel], TU COME LO FAI? [How do you do it?], NOI SIAMO PICCOLI MA CRESCEREMO [We are small but we will grow], LA VIA LATTA [The Steely Way] ACCIAIO AMICO [Steel friend], L’ARTE DEL RICICLO [The art of recycling] ANIME D’ACCIAIO [Steel souls], IL MARE RACCONTA… DI UOMINI, BARCHE, PESCI E CIBO [The sea tells… of men, boats, fish and food], up to the currently ongoing initiatives, such as AMBARABARICICLOCLÒ, RICICLICK, YES I CAN… There are many educational projects with which RICREA, as a consortium, has achieved extraordinary successes recognised at an institutional level through sponsorships and partnerships. Furthermore, RICREA has played and still plays a real “pioneering” role, thanks to a variety of very creative and original projects, with quality content and multimedia educational kits in step with the tastes and preferences of digital natives.
To learn more, visit the RICREA EDU website.